Kuan Design
multidisciplinary designer
Hang Zhou, CN
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Cross icon. White.
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An artist who aspired to be a designer
and a designer who aspired to be an artist.
( FOLIO 2024 SINCE 2019 ©)

Kuan Design

"It doesn’t matter what exactly you do, it is important that everything you touch changes shape, becomes different from before, so that a particle of yourself remains in it."
( main services)
Curved arrow, white, flooded color.
Art Direction
Product Design
Curved arrow, white, flooded color.
Curved arrow, white, flooded color.
Mobile & Web
Curved arrow, white, flooded color.
Curved arrow, white, flooded color.
3D Motion
Curved arrow, white, flooded color.
I create a digital experience that borders on efficiency, aesthetics and functionality. These are projects that have a soul.
My job is to define and emphasize the important aspects of the brand, demonstrating character and emotion.
3D Distortion Hand with Bees, Custom Render
I enjoy creating new visions and trying different visual techniques. Therefore, you can find many experiments.
Humanity Collection, 10
3D Art, custom render. Flower in the space.
Luma Website concept, mobile views. x2 Iphones Dark theme & Light theme
Sometimes, my experiments end up on exhibitions. Basically, these are collections that I have been making within several years.
Basic Mode
Alternative Mode